When I see their sick,... I keep watching them on all of the time until they feel better
When they give me hugs and kisses,... that's the most precious moment in my life as a MOTHER
When I get angry and tired because of their naughtiness and actives children... it remind me of my childhood
I wish I can raise you all in the right path of Allah Ta'ala, with all of my love MY STARS..
You are the precious stars Allah gave me ...
You are the shines who cheer me up when I feel sad..
May Allah make you both pious Muslim and Muslima
May Allah keep giving you both more Imaan and Taqwa
May Allah always give you both happiness
May Allah protect you both from dajjal's fitnah and any shirk
May Allah give you the best health and rizq'
ameen...ameen..Allahumma ameen...
My beautiful first son a couple minutes after he was born

My beautiful daughter a couple minutes after she was born
:::::My Stars:::::
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